First Post??
I already have a Xanga blog, but I like this site better, so I'm going to try it out for a little while.
Just to address a few things in my profile: shredding on a guitar refers to playing very fast while soloing. I'd put myself in the "above average" category for guitar playing. Also, if you don't know who Opeth is, go out and buy Blackwater Park right now. Try to listen past the death metal growls to the excellent music behind them. Soon you'll learn to like the growls, and will have trouble imagining how the music would sound without them.
Dr. Elzer is awesome. By far the best teacher I've had for a Comp Sci course so far. The other two have been Webster and Liffick. Liffick was good, if a little unorganized. Webster is responsible for deforesting Brazil. Databases is fun; I'm learning a lot more than I did at my internship over the summer, which is good. I know that this stuff will definitely show itself again in my career.
I really don't have much to post, so this is the end. Perhaps I'll post again.